15. Father John Misty - “The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apt.”
This song is eviscerating in the best way possible. It’s like the soundtrack for the “I’m Not Like Most Girls” meme, perfectly calling out the idiosyncrasies of every young female who imagines herself on the vanguard of some sub-culture when in reality she’s just like every other iteration of the drab all-encompassing beast we like to call culture. It hones the teeth of biting sarcasm, acting as pure Id, almost like J. Tillman gave his sub-conscience the pen and just let it write the song.
Yet in case any of us are eager to start throwing stones, Tillman then does something truly beautiful with the song. He may be ripping apart a whole generation of the opposite sex, yet nobody is above reproach when it comes to this brand of fault, because as much he despises the individuals he harangues, he’s no better than them. In the end he gives in, he becomes part of the scene, no longer a curious observer, but instead lowering himself down into the mire to oblige to one of the girls requests. He’s been part of it the whole time after all, and in the end he simply seals his place alongside the antagonists. It’s a reminder that we’re all part of the beast, feeding into its ideologies and taking part in its absurdity, all while exercising the careful gymnastics of cognitive dissonance that allows us to think were somehow above it. None of us are though. Our individuality, while existing in varying degrees, will always be swallowed by the whole