43. Porches - “Car”

I imagine this song playing in the advertisement of some sort of futuristic retro throwback to the cars of 20th century. By now humans are beyond cars. Cars have become a novelty, remembered in history books, lauded for the culture they at one time created and wrapped within a sort of primitive yet romantic nostalgia for what once was, much like how we currently feel about railroads, horses, and steamboats.

It’s sort of a silly song in that sense. It leaves me feeling kind of dirty, like there’s a sheen of capitalistic oil covering the pool of my ears, and yet at the same time I sort of dig the dystopian vibes. It’s as if consumerism has run amok to invade art and muddy the boundary between the positives and negatives of human creation. It’s a song that appears to be simple on the surface. However, I can’t help but feel there’s something deeper to be found, some sort of hidden meaning or allegorical enlightenment to be drawn from it. Ether way its a smooth track to jam out to – or better yet, a road of vibes for us to cruise upon.

