78. deem spencer - “there was plenty of time before us”

This jam is like a flashback on a sunny day. There’s a pensive frailty to it, as if the protagonist is in the backseat of a car, driving through the countryside, lost in thought, each memory and feeling flitting through, punctuated by the dappled sunlight shining through the canaopy of shade.

It encompasses those thoughts us humans so commonly and stubbornly return to, the type that’s like a convenient scab, the sort you pick just to make sure that it’s still there, to feel something – anything, even if its only pain. Or maybe its more like tracing the contours of a long gone scar, consumed by the past because were afraid of the present and even more terrified of the future. There’s a comfort in the unchangeable distance, a familiarity that keeps us from having to explore the mercurial present. It’s a known pain – our pain, and in a world that’s constantly trying to steal individuality and filter authenticity through generalities, its nice to have something that’s unique and only ours, regardless of what it may be.

