87. Desiigner - “Panda”
Regardless of your thoughts on this track (and the current state of Hip-Hop), I think its safe to say that it is authentically itself. It does what it does, and it does it better than anybody else. I’m no fan of mumble rap, most of it is derivative, unimaginative, unintelligent and unintelligible, all of which are completely adverse to the reasons I originally fell in love with Hip-Hop. However, if you’re going to do something, do it well. Do it in an original and compelling way, a way that makes me want to mumble along as I sway and awkwardly rotate my fists in a hazy stupor. This jam does just that. As ridiculous as it is, it has a special quality that sets it apart, from the smooth and sprinting croon of Desiigner’s voice to the subtle production and the unorthodox, almost gasp-like breaks the song seems to take in between verses. It crawls its way into your head and then refuses to leave. However, its not abrasive or annoying in how it does it, its more of a meditative or hypnotic process, like auditory lean suffusing your brain. So if you’re like me, drop the self-righteous pretension for a moment. Don’t fight the drug. Soak yourself in it and enjoy it for what it is.