98. .Peter $un - “.MAKE ME FEEL HUMAN AGAIN”
NOTICE: This song no longer exists on the internet, hence the lack of a link. My assumption is that it got taken down for illegally sampling a Kanye interview during the outro, and when you are ‘a god’ or the record label of a god, or the TV network that a god is interviewed upon, you can destroy whatever songs you want. Its like god rule number one, maybe if you read a Bible or a Quran every now and then you’d know that you ignorant fuck.
Now in the past I would have uploaded it myself, throwing up two metaphorical middle fingers to the man, but alas I’m growing older, and thus less adventurous and more firmly yoked by the world I once harangued so vehemently. I don’t want to go stepping on any toes or upsetting any gods (that’s god rule number two). Anyway, take my word for it, it was a great song, intellectual Chill-hop at its finest, but while you’re at it go check out his other tracks.