99. Joy Again - “Another Song About Ghosts”
This jam has deceptive depth. These days I find myself increasingly gazing at songs from a literary perspective, almost as if they’re short stories or brief vignettes that evolve with every listen.
This song has meant many different things to me, spanning the spectrum from something as basic as an enjoyable and unique aesthetic to something so complex that it seems almost spiritual in significance. At its deepest moments this song speaks to that undefinable sense of loss that hovers around and haunts one after the death of someone close. It’s something that I feel you can only understand in the aftermath of overwhelming loss. It’s an almost imperceptible yet constant sense of presque vu that lives on within the heart and mind. Death and life often get muddied in dreams, much like reality and fantasy, they intertwine and become indistinguishable from one another, reverberating within that sacred realm of the subconscious far longer than they do within the conscious – or at least that’s been my own personal experience with the matter. To me, this song speaks to that phenomenon, touching upon it without ever quite saying so. It’s casting furtive glances into the unknowable – attempting (and succeeding) to speak of something felt but never fully understood.