"How Do I Know When to Say Goonight" - Eat Skull
Portland, Oregon based Eat Skull have always had that off-kilter, lost in chaotic fuzz approach to music. This lo-fi storm of sound often places their music in the rare genre of “shitgaze”, however, that has nothing to do with their music being shitty, but more because it makes you feel like you’re going bat shit crazy, but in a pleasant sort of way. This new song of theirs has more pop elements than their older stuff (which isn’t saying much), but nevertheless its still a crazy ride through the nonchalant onslaught of madness. Enjoy the trippy video, as it provides the ideal theme song for anybody who’s ever woken up with your head stuffed full of cotton and a midget on your back, after a long night of boozing and other vices. Sometimes it’s just plain hard to think straight.