"Lights & Love" - Teen Daze
Teen Daze recently released a new single that’s available for $1 on his bandcamp. Now I know what you’re thinking as a young savvy internet adventurer, “Pay for music? Why would I pay for music, when I can get it for free?” or maybe you’re a little more brash and less creative, and despise speaking in questions, so a simple “fuck that” is what comes to mind. Or maybe you’re more of a political rebel, and would throw in a jab at the oppressiveness of the monetary system within a capitalistic society. Either way, before you find yourself mentally uttering one of the above responses, you should know that all of the proceeds go directly towards a fund to support Benjamin Curtis (School of Seven Bells) during his fight against cancer. So it’s for a good cause.
Anyway, the album art is definitely appropriate for this jam. As I’m listening to it, I can just imagine myself driving down a desolate, winding road, through the abandoned countryside. Peaceful, serene nature speeding past me. The sun is setting, dusk is upon us, the final rays of light shine through the lowered window to warm my face. The wind is blowing, nature is beautiful, the world is peaceful, and life is good.