London O'Connor - O∆

This album is a lackadaisical lesson in trailblazing. It’s a cross section of Hip-Hop and Indie Pop. Imagine plastic doused in the dirt of earnest apathy, or your recyclables rising from the ashes of redundancy to emerge as something wholly unique and original. It’s a delicate balance of competing forces, imperfection swimming through a sea of perfection, getting carried on its waves while paddling against them. There’s a charm in its versatility, a sincerity in its lack of uniformity, and a joy in its unpredictability. It’s thought seeking, stumbling and rubbing itself raw, yet through it all the production that cradles it remains immaculate. It carries the zeitgeist of Pop without losing touch of its humanity. There’s no artificial glow to it, no machine outshining the man, rather it compliments the man, coexisting alongside and propelling him forward. It’s natural in a sense, like the spontaneous soundtrack of an inner dialogue or the ambient dust of telepathy. It’s the shimmering vibrations of a soul exposed, a real human being breathing in life and then mumbling it to the masses, singing it out unfettered by convention, attaining perfection even as he falls far short of it - because of the very fact that it falls short of any and all preconceived notions. It’s frail yet courageous, and passionate without giving a fuck.

fav tracks: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

You can also check the album out here, since bandcamp and tumblr don’t get along very well.

