Top 100 Tracks of 2017
I know this list is late – so much so that it has now drifted beyond being fashionable and into the realm of awkward and unnecessary, like some house guest who shows up over a year after the party ends and refuses to leave until you forgive them for not coming and accept their now molding fruit salad. This is my metaphorical fruit salad, and you’re all going to enjoy it god damnit, or at the very least accept its existence.
Anyway, I contemplated not even sharing a list this year (I always make a list), but then I thought of all the people depending on me… *crickets* … and changed my mind. However, in all honesty, I enjoy sharing these lists (even if they are more often than not excessively tardy). It’s daunting and time-consuming task, but I think it’s a cool way of paying homage to bygone years and keeping track of music’s (and my own taste’s) evolution throughout this thing we call life. Besides, in a way I think its fitting that these lists drift farther and farther behind. It’s poetic, or maybe just allegorical, like the way time speeds up and the years seem to blend more and more together as you fall increasingly behind trends that seem to move too fast for you to keep up with, or maybe you just stop caring about keeping up, content to simply float along at your own insulated pace.
So this is me drifting into irrelevance, fading from someone who likes somewhat obscure yet relevant music, to someone getting more and more stuck in the dusty and bygone tastes of past predilections. It doesn’t matter to me, and hopefully if you’re here it doesn’t matter to you either. In the end music is music, and mainstream cultural or even “counter cultural” tastes are typically bullshit anyway. What matters is whether or not you like it, and this list is everything I like in music. Hopefully you find something you like or something you may have missed way back in 2017 (the year most of us in the U.S. were in a state of perpetual confusion and mourning). So here’s to making it through 2017 and surviving this long – 2020 is just around the corner.
P.S. I always try to keep my song descriptions short at first, and then they inevitably bloom into these long bloated and verbose posts. However, I’m going to really try to keep them short this year. I’m too busy to get lost in my words. So wish me luck. Hopefully necessity will achieve what my own temperance always failed to accomplish.