Top Tracks of 2015
This list has been a long time coming, like sloppy drunken coitus, so long that at times I doubted it would ever come, left to peter away into nothingness, remaining a thing only in the hazy confines of my mind. Yet alas here it is, defeating the odds to usher itself into existence. (Now that I have your attention I can drop the sexual similes and innuendos, and begin with my actual preface.)
Doing year end lists has become a bit of a tradition around here. So with 2016 quickly coming to a close, and me being a sucker for tradition, I figured it was time to give 2015 a voice before it disappeared and slipped out of my reach forever. 2015 deserved a voice after all. 2015 was a year of plot development, a year of tragedy, a year of shit turned to gold, a year of life seen through the lens of grief and anxiety, but brightened by the ever-buoyant haze of love, wrapped and swaddled in it, reassuring you that you have value, and as an extension, life too has value. To quote that guy from Jurassic Park, “life finds a way” and boy did it ever. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason (or at the very least, how its supposed to), a trite saying I know, not quite indefatigable, but get rid of that last part, and lets just stick with ‘everything happens’, a truism of sorts, and once it happens there’s no changing it, so you best start supplying it with some sort of reason. And hence the meaning of life becomes a little more clear, the blurred edges of existential crises recede and you have a thread to hold onto, a thread extending out of the unchangeable past, into the always changing present, and written onto the mysterious, ever-evolving, bare and hallowed halls of the future.
So here I am, and here is this list. A list shaped by grief and love, a list shaped just like me, an extension of me in way, a life, a humanity experienced, shared, and felt vicariously through these artists and their songs. A post-annul shrine constructed in their memory. Another year gone, and another year of me using music as a means to grandstand and pontificate on the minutiae of life, whilst unavoidably getting stuck in the verbose backwaters of my mind. Should be great fun. So hop on board my thinly veiled train of subjective thought, and let us take a look at the jams that rocked my world this past (emphasis on the past) year.
Also, one last note. That last part isn’t entirely true, seeing that I wrote this intro months ago when I was still optimistic about this list greeting the world in its true (and complete) glory, but I liked the way it sounded, so I decided to keep it in there anyway. In reality, due to the incredible tardiness of this list, the majority of the songs will appear devoid of my descriptions and musings. I apologize for the lack of effort, but its been a busy season of my life (hence the lack of posts in general). However I have a feeling most of you care more about the songs themselves than my predilection for pontificating, so in that sense maybe I’m doing you all a great service. And now, without further ado, here are what I deemed to be the Top Tracks of 2015.