11. Skylar Spence - “Fall Harder [Rickey Eat Acid Remix]”
It’s safe to say I have a deep love for Sam Ray (a.k.a. Rickey Eat Acid, teen suicide & Julia Brown). Anything he touches is usually gold, spanning genres, degrees of fidelity and just general eccentric tomfoolery. This track is no different. He takes Skylar Spence’s song and propels it to new heights (quite literally in some regards with the pitch-shift).
Rickey Eat Acid’s bandcamp bio states “lately I’ve been really into music that sounds like it’s reaching upwards to God and falling short, over & over”, and even though this is a remix, I think its safe to say that aesthetic rings true. However, in this particular instance I think God may have been accidentally and unexpectedly stumbled upon.
The whole song sounds as if it’s ascending towards some sort of perfect ideal, a glorious feeling forever hinted yet always out of reach, and then suddenly it’s attained. For a brief instance the listener is in the throes of ecstatic reverie, bathing in pure God, pure love, pure existence - call it whatever you want. They’re overwhelmed, disjointed, disconnected from reality and themselves, ceaselessly proclaiming their adoration even as it overwhelms them, flowing over them, severing them, tumbling them in a tumultuous worship that eventually destroys them. It’s beautiful, surreal and glorious, just as I imagine melding with God might be.