26. Homeboy Sandman - “God”

Do you ever feel like certain artists channel your own thoughts and somehow put them into words? That’s how I feel about this track. Homeboy Sandman gets me. Not only do we seem to have similar personalities and outlooks, but we also have similar cosmologies.

I can’t help but feel some sort of connection to something bigger than me – be it god, the universe, humanity, science, progress, etc. Whatever you want to call it, there is something bigger than me, some unifying force that holds everything in existence and facilitates the way it unfolds. I don’t know what it is, and the fact that I don’t know is what makes it so exciting, or at the very least worthy of awe. I don’t believe in any organized religion. All of them are too limiting, too contained and tainted by humanity’s own shortcomings. If there is a god (or something equivalent), it is nothing like that. In fact, what makes this unknown something worthy of awe is the fact that it is different and bigger than us. Now that doesn’t mean we as humans aren’t worthy of awe ourselves. Sure, we have our faults, but when you look at what we’ve accomplished, we’re pretty inspirational. We create, we love, we evolve, and we’re always reaching for something more or better (i.e. god). Of course the definition of ‘more’ and ‘better’ is subjective and often as a result of the powers that be manipulated into something negative and stagnating – but I digress.

What I’m trying to say is that I think Homeboy Sandman and I see god in a similar light, and it’s reassuring, especially because he delivers his exegesis in a simple yet eloquent fashion that is way better than anything I could ever do on my own. The whole jam is full of beautiful and resonating lines of pure poetry. He speaks to me, and its comforting sensation to know that us lowly heretics aren’t alone in this big ‘ol plain of existence we call reality.

