55. Japanese Breakfast - “This House”
Have you ever had one of those moments where you get so lost within your thoughts that everything around you seems to slow down, whither, and fade away? You start to losing your connection to the physical and retreating into the metaphysical instead. You become cocooned within subjectivity. Gone is the gravity and compass of the objective, and all that’s left is you. You become god of your own domain – your own slice of determinable reality. Physics is replaced by thought and emotion, and cause and effect gets muddied and obscured until it’s nothing but a big ‘ol mess of precarious mental health just waiting to deteriorate and break down.
I feel like this jam narrates the beginning phase of such a process. Its the build up, the slow weakening of one’s grasp on reality, or rather the steady decline of their willingness to remain within and engage with or even care about what happens around them. Life has eroded away all bravado and affectation. The rawness of the soul is exposed, and it can either collapse or adapt. You can either climb and claw your way out of the trough, or remain stuck within, soaking in the festering refuse of pity and shame.