59. Earl Sweatshirt - “Grief”

Life is a river - a river that’s too often polluted and made toxic by our environment, overrun by the miasma of our own unrealized hopes and dreams - and we’re all just languidly swimming through it, treading water in the sludge of depression only to suddenly find ourselves getting tossed and torn by the rapids of anxiety.

This song is almost too real. It’s lonliness incarnate. It’s realizing that you are indeed an island, and that there’s no escaping your skull, no swimming to greener pastures. There’s only your heartbeat and your abusive doubts to keep you company, and you can feel them calling, reaching out to all the shadows and dark alleyways within your mind, stirring up the emotions you try to hide behind active hands and a distracted mind, but eventually they find you, and its up to you to make peace with them.

