7. WHY? - “Easy”

Like so many other songs on this album, this song is full of a frail and haunting beauty that perfectly captures the uncertainty that exists within the aftermath of loss. It’s an uncertainty simultaneously born of commotion and emptiness. On the one hand, you’re so full of contradictory feelings such as fear, hurt, hope, confusion, rationalization, desperation, and discomfort that you find it hard to think straight or hold onto any thought for a prolonged period of time, and on the other hand, you feel so utterly hollow that any emotion or thought that does happen to sneak through your defenses and permeate the silence seems to reverberate around and echo all the louder.

It’s one of the most profound contradictions that anyone can experience, simultaneously painful and beautiful, it offers the rare opportunity for one to fill in what remains with whatever they desire. The only problem is that the mins is often left to fill it while floating around in a daunting and surreal state of shock, one where up becomes down, down becomes up, and light begins o melt into darkness. Its almost as if something has been ripped from the fabric of reality, and now, left only with mercurial and unresponsive power of thought, one must decide whether to try and stitch it back together into something beautiful, leave it empty and openly venting happiness, or let it scar over, forever isolated and ignored. Every loss may be unique, but in the end, it doesn’t matter if its a loss of life or of love. All that matters is that its loss.

Also, shout out to Yoni for writing following line:

“Oh I know, feels like a frozen hand on your shoulder. Yea I know, it’s like a cold black hold on your shoulder”

It’s hard to find a metaphor that so accurately, beautifully, and succinctly captures the experience of loss.

