95. Lomelda - “Interstate Vision”
I think Lomelda and I must have similar tastes in music. I don’t know her, but what I do know is that she’s been at the last two shows I’ve gone to in LA – shows that really have no relation, one of which probably had about 20 people attending in total. I mention this partially out of the sheer coincidence of it all, but also because I feel like it reveals us to be accidental kindred spirits – at least insofar as our musical tastes go.
This kindred spirithood extends into her own music. It posses a delicateness to it, a sort of introverted and vulnerable beauty. I not only enjoy it, but I can relate to it. It’s the sort of music I would probably make (or at least want to make) if I possessed any sort of musical talent whatsoever. She sees every moment with a clarity that hints at an unspoken depth, balancing emotion with imagery in a way that resonates with the introspective mind. She’s a quiet force, tugging at the heartstrings with an almost apologetic flourish.