Oscar Key Sung is the moniker of Oscar Thorne, a chap that hails from Australia. He’s also part of a group that was previously known as Psuche, but now go by Oscar + Martin. Besides that, I don’t really know too much about the bloke, but I came across this video of him performing “Its Gone” live to air at FBI New Weird Aus, and I was just drawn into it. First off, the guy can fucking sing, he’s got vibratos for dayzzz. And secondly, hes just got this cheezin Australian hipster swag, that totally works for him. I don’t know about you guys, but if I saw this guy on the street, the last thing I’d expect would be for him to be able to croon me out out of my pants with that falsetto, but he would, and I’d enjoy every minute of it. Anyway, if I were to compare him to anyone I’d day hes like the love child of James Blake and Frank Ocean, which is the utmost of compliments. I’m looking forward to hearing more from this guy.
His “Tape Voice” EP can be downloaded at his bandcamp under the name your own price option, so go ahead and assess your income and pay accordingly.