53. Kevin Morby - “Water”
Kevin Morby is back once again to grace us with his presence. On this track he takes on the role of the jaded intellectual or the academic wanderer searching for a place to call home. Only Its not an actual place that he’s looking for. It’s an intangible feeling, an inner warmth connecting mind and heart, or rather some sort of moral assurance or cognitive peace that somehow binds together the poles of idealistic hope and soul-crushing reality. It’s a place always sitting on the horizon, barely outlined, just visible enough to give us hope, and yet elusive enough to never actually be realized. Its a shadow moving with the perspective of the observer, or a faint scent getting carried by the wind. It’s the perpetual hint of something more, of something that finally makes sense of life and makes everything worth while. It’s the ancient and magnetic call of religion, the spiritual glue that holds together the human soul. It’s the truth of the universe flowing throughout time – right alongside us, and yet always evading our grasp.