55. Waterfront Dining - “Miami Wicked”
Let me
assure you all that Vaporwave is still alive and well. It looks like the puzzling and
muddling genre that nobody asked for is here to stay. There’s just
something so wonderfully right about it and yet something equally just as wrong. Its the chill
rising from the dead to haunt us once again. Chillness through the ages
still finding a way to chill, perpetual chillage in every sample, bass line, and pitch shift. There’s no
getting rid of it. You can’t kill it because its already dead. It’s like
getting stuck in purgatory or some sort of perpetual time loop. You cant look
away – in fact, you cant even complain, because even though you want to
hate it, its so beautifully numbing that you find yourself unable to. I’ve
downloaded all of Waterfront Dining’s discography (there’s 17 releases in 2016
alone), and let me assure you, its the type of languid funk stew that
you can get lost within. I mean it. Spark up a couple of joints and you may
just never come back. Your brain will be loosened to mush and your body will
melt into the cushions beneath you. You’ll be dulled by the repetition and lulled into bliss. Its chill-assisted suicide, and its the best way to go.