88. Gus Dapperton - “I’m Just Snacking”
Anachronisms, when done well, can be beautiful things, and this right here is one of them. This jam reminds me of a 21st century take on lounge music. As you’re listening you can imagine the smoke-filled room, crystal glasses, bodies bedecked in suits and fancy cocktail dresses, and Gus Dapperton standing at the front, slowly swaying and caressing a large silver microphone. It’s sophisticated and yet fully modern, carrying with it a sense of chill intoxication. One can just as easily find themselves sitting back, lethargically bobbing their head to the hypnotic rhythm or up on the dance floor, slowly swinging their arms and their hips to the synth-ridden beat. It’s eclectic and dynamic, and yet fully unassuming – a.k.a. Chillwave at its finest.